Monday, September 19, 2011

Software engineer and his wife

Husband - hey dear, I am logged in.
Wife - would you like to have some snacks?Husband - hard disk full.
Wife - have you brought the saree.Husband - Bad command or file name.
Wife - but I told you about it in morningHusband - erroneous syntax, abort, retry, cancel.
Wife - hae bhagwan !forget it where's your salary.Husband - file in use, read only, try after some time.
Wife - at least give me your credit card, I can do some shopping.Husband - sharing violation, access denied.
Wife - I made a mistake in marrying you.Husband - data type mismatch.
Wife - you are useless.Husband - by default.
Wife - who was there with you in the car this morning?Husband - system unstable press ctrl, alt, del to Reboot.
Wife - what is the relation between you & your Receptionist?Husband - the only user with write permission.
Wife - what is my value in your life?Husband - unknown virus detected.
Wife - do you love me or your computer?Husband - Too many parameters..
Wife - I will go to my dad's house.Husband - program performed illegal operation, it will Close.
Wife - I will leave you forever.Husband - close all programs and log out for another User.
Wife - it is worthless talking to you.Husband - shut down the computer.
Wife - I am goingHusband - Its now safe to turn off your computer
Have a nice day!!!

भूकम्प जादा थाहा पाउनु पर्ने कुरा

भूकम्प जाँदा गर्नु पर्ने कुरा हरु थाहा पाई राखौं ।
1. सुत्ने कोठामा ऐना भएको फ्रेम/फोटो छ भने नराख्नु होला किनकी ग्लास फुटेर चोट्पतक लाग्न सक्छ।
2. सुत्ने कोठा भित्र ढल्न सक्ने र खस्न सक्ने बस्तुहरु जस्तै दराज, Hanger stand, Hanging Cupboard, Decoration articles, Chandler Lights, Standalone Lights, suitcase and fans नराख्नु होला ।
3. यदि भान्छामा पकाइ राख्नु भएको छ भने तुरुन्तै ग्यासको भल्व बन्द गरि सुरक्षित स्थानमा जानु होला।
4. यदि सक्नु हुन्छ भने घर वाट निस्कने बेला बिजुलीको मेन स्वित्च निभाउनु होला।
5. भूकम्प धैरै समय सम्म आएको खण्डमा आफ्नो पैसा र गहनाहरु सेफबाट निकालेर लैजाने कुचेस्ता नगर्नु होला किनकी अरु बस्तुहरु खसेर दुर्घटना हुन सक्छ।
6. आफुले सधैं खाइरहने औषधीहरु साथमा लान नभुल्नु होला।
7. केटाकेटीहरु सुती राखेको भए उठाएर संगै लाने गर्नु होला। ससाना नानी हरु भए ब्लान्केतले छोपेर लाने प्रयास गर्नु होला।
8. टि.भी हेरी रहनु भएको भए तुरुन्त बन्द गर्नु होला ।
9. ईमर्जेन्सी सामानहरु राखेको झोला लान नबिर्स्नु होला। मनी पर्स लान नभुल्नु होला।
10. अलमल गरि नराख्नु होला, छिटो छिटो लुगा र जुत्ता लगाएर बाहिर निस्कनु होला।
11. के तपाईंले आफ्नो परिवार सँग भूकम्प आउन्दा गर्नु पर्ने तयारीको बारे छलफल गर्नु भयो? यदि गर्नु भएको छैन् भने छिटो गर्नुस् - परिवार लाई माया गर्नु भनेको उनिहरुलाई सुशीक्षित र ज्ञानी बनाउनु पनि हो।
12. घर बाट बाहिर निस्कन्दा दाँया बाँया हेरेर निस्कनु होला किनकी छिमेकको घर बाट गमला, पानी टन्कि, छत, जस्ता पाता र अन्य बस्तुहरु खसेर चोतपटक वा मृत्युा हुन सक्छ तेसैले होशियारी अप्नायर सुरक्षित हुनु होला।
13. रूखमुनी बस्दा पनि होश गरेर मात्र बस्नु होला, हांगा वा रुख भान्चेर चोत्पटक लाग्न सक्छ।
14. खासै भन्नु पर्दा घर भित्र भन्दा बाहिर अब त डरलाग्दो छ किनकी वरिपरी खतरा बढी छ। भूकम्पले मानिस मर्ने होईन बस्तु हरु खसेर र होश नपुगेर घाइते वा मर्ने हुन्छ।
15. भूकम्प हुँदा आगो लाग्न सक्ने उत्तिकै सम्भावना बलियो हुन्छ अत: बहुत होशियार हुनु होला, साथै घरमा CEASE FIRE (FIRE EXTINGUISHER) राख्नु होला ।
16. घर बाट बाहिर निस्के पछि आफ्नो परिवार लाई यकत्रित गर्नु होला किनकी सबैलाई आफ्नो परिवार प्यारो लाग्छ। पहिले नै सल्लाह गरि राख्नु होला की केहि घटना भयो की फलानो ठाउँमा जम्मा हुने है भनेर।
17. भूकम्प जाँदा अत्तालिने, रुने, कराउने, होश गुमाउने, डराउने, आँखा नदेखिकन हत्तारले दगुर्ने, झ्यालबाट हाम फाल्ने जस्ता बेहोशी बाट बच्नु साह्रै आबस्यक छ।
18. लुगा नलायेर सुत्ने ब्यक्तिहरु लाई यो सल्लाह छ की सुत्नु अगी आफ्नो लुगा उचित र देख्न सक्ने र नजिकै राख्नु होला ताकि छितो लुगा लगाएर बाहिर निस्कन सकुन्। मेरो लुगा कहाँ छ, कता छ, खोइ, आदि इत्यादी गरेर बस्दा सम्म त के के भई सक्छ। अत: होश गर्नु होला।
19. तेस्तै मेरो चस्मा खोइ, घडी खोइ, मोबाईल खोइ,जुत्ता खोइ भनेर पनि अलमल गरि नराख्नु होला। समय भनेको त अलिकति पनि खेर नफाल्नु होला।
20. घर बाट बाहिर निस्केर तुरुन्तै केही बस्तु छुट्यो भनेर तुरुन्तै घर भित्र नपस्नु होला। भूकम्प मन्थर भए पछि मात्रै होश राखेर मात्रै भित्र पस्नु होला।

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Measurement Units in Ancient India

The highest prefix used for raising 10 to a power in today's maths, is 'D' for 10^30 (from Greek Deca). While, as early as 100 BC Indian Mathematicians had exact names for figures upto 10^53 (10 raise to the power 53).
ekam =  1
dashakam =  10
shatam =  100
sahasram =  1000
dashasahasram =  10000
lakshaha =  100000
dashalakshaha =  10^6
kotihi =  10^7
ayutam =  10^9
niyutam =  10^11
kankaram =  10^13
vivaram =  10^15
parardhaha = 10^17
nivahaha = 10^19
utsangaha = 10^21
bahulam = 10^23
nagbalaha = 10^25
titilambam = 10^27
vyavasthana- pragnaptihi = 10^29
hetuheelam = 10^31
karahuhu = 10^33
hetvindreeyam = 10^35
samapta-lambhaha = 10^37
gananagatihi = 10^39
niravadyam = 10^41
mudrabalam = 10^43
sarvabalam = 10^45
vishamagnagatihi = 10^47
sarvagnaha = 10^49
vibhutangama = 10^51
tallakshanam = 10^53

India has given the idea of the smallest and largest measure of time.
Krati = 34,000th of a second
1 Truti = 300th of a second
2 Truti = 1 Luv
2 Luv = 1 Kshana
30 Kshana = 1 Vipal
60 Vipal = 1 Pal
60 Pal  = 1 Ghadi (24 Minutes)
2.5 Ghadi = 1 Hora (1 Hour)
24 Hora = 1 Divas (1 Day)
7 Divas = 1 Saptah (1 week)
4 Saptah = 1 Maas ( 1 Month)
2 Maas = 1 Ritu (1 Season)
6 Ritu = 1 Varsh (1 Year)
100 Varsh = 1 Shatabda (1 Century)
10 Shatabda = 1 Sahasrabda
432 Sahasrabda = 1 Yug (Kaliyug)
2 Yug = 1 Dwaparyug
3 Yug = 1 Tretayug
4 Yug = 1 Krutayug
10 Yug = 1 Mahayug(4,320,000Yrs)
1000 Mahayug = 1 Kalpa
1 Kalpa = 4.32 Billion Years

Thanks to 


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A stone for Surya Nepal Garments!

This story has been copied from my email forwarded by one friend i don't know the real writer of the story but i like this and posted in my blog

Few people know the real story behind the rise of garment business of
Surya Nepal, known primarily as a cigarette manufacturer in Nepal.
Seven years ago, at the peak of armed conflict in Nepal, a handful of
people at the top echelon of Surya Nepal thought of doing something
that would increase employment opportunities to the people in the
families of deprived class. They chose a place no other than
Biratnagar, unusual in many ways, as most except Momento did not have
any name - it establishments outside of Kathmandu valley. Their target
then was Indian market, which none of the garment manufacturers until
then had thought of as an emerging lucrative market.
Indian market could well have been catered from Birgunj, as well. But
the choice of Biratnagar as the manufacturing site came for two
reasons. First, of course, is that in spite of Biratnagar´s standing
as a political and industrial hub much of the populous countryside has
been economically backward. Labor availability and the presence of
basic industrial infrastructure led Surya Nepal to choose Biratnagar.
The second reason is strategic in many ways. Biratnagar is closest to
any of the ports for third country exports. It is also closest to
markets in India but had no congenial environment for local
productions then. Troubled places normally do not allow local
productions to flourish but allow import of any product without any
hindrance just as we feel comfortable in brushing our teeth every
morning with imported Colgate tooth cleaning materials but found
serious threat to our national pride when Colgate was having its own
manufacturing operations in Nepal.
There is also another strange point about the beginning of Surya
Nepal Garments. It did not just open its business at presumably the
most difficult political environment in Nepal´s history, it was the
time when garment industry as a whole was about to be written off as
irrelevant. The privilege of multi-fiber agreement was waning and the
entrepreneurs who made hefty profits in the period prior to that had
already planned their exit. Surya Nepal Garments wanted to be a
phoenix and prove that nothing is invincible.
Seven years later, they found that they were wrong!
What really pushed these people, with apparently challenging zeal, to
lose their grit? Why did they lose their patience? Why are they so
willing to waste millions of rupees of investments and not accept any
rapprochement by iPhone-brandishing labor unionists?
Much of the story of the genesis of Surya Nepal Garments is not known
to anyone. Even the promoters cannot narrate it in the same spirit as
it was foreseen then. For almost two years at the outset, the
promoters started marketing garments under their name, which was
produced in other factories in Nepal under a mechanism known in
business as “business outsourcing”. Within two years, their factory
was ready, which was an acquisition of a manufacturing set up in the
vicinity of Biratnagar. The business had an impeccable beginning with
workers trained by an Italian trainer for over six months. Such was
the zeal of the company to get perfection that they brought trainers
from Italy. They did not hire anyone who approached them. They went to
villages and selected women who should be given a job. They trained
them. The objective was that that those without jobs should be given
one so that they don´t have to take to guns. The objective of
selecting women was also with some intent. The company management
thought that elevation of women´s standing in the family is necessary
for peace in the community. Grand objectives!
For four years, the company ran reasonably well by Nepalese standards
(as frequent but short production disruptions are taken as routine in
Nepal) with some seven hundred - mostly women - laborers. The company
was outsourcing to other companies, as well, providing employment to
over 1,300 workers in those companies. The problem seems to have
started for trifling reasons because one splinter faction of Maoist
Trade Union wanted to prove its mantle. Back in March, there was a
strike for almost a week for no fault of the company but on the call
of the central level Trade Unions. As per the “no work no pay policy”
of the company, no payment of wages and salaries for that period was
supposed to be made. The company had already paid, but there was an
understanding that such payment would be deducted at the earliest. In
June, the time came for such an adjustment. 
Even before the adjustment was to be made, the workers in
apprehension of such a deduction picketed Human Resource Manager´s
office. They did not just do the picketing. They put nearly 40 senior
management staff in confinement for almost 36 hours in the middle of
June this year. Government agency charged with overseeing the
operation of industries - the Ministry of Industries - did not know
this. It did not even care what´s going on out there. The local
administration, however, did all it can from the beginning. Morang
Chief District Officer deserves all the credit for trying to resolve
the dispute amidst all chaos, although he also could not succeed as
the company itself found going out of the business because of the
order-cancellation by major buyers in India and European countries.
Companies do not produce for inventory build-up, they produce for
markets. In today´s competitive business, markets do not have patience.
Trade Unions do not realize this but, in trade, compliance with time
is extremely important. Surya Nepal Garments was exporting to India
and a few prominent European countries to the tune of Rs 300 million
annually. This market was growing. Recent trend in global garment
trade indicated that traditional advantage of Chinese companies was
eroding as the general wage level in China has been going up. There
was prospect for Nepalese companies. But in fashion business - just as
the garment is - timely supplies more than the prices is important.
Stores in Europe, particularly in Italy with discerning customers,
wanted their shelves to have predictability of supplies. The orders
from Italy and France were cancelled when the news of Surya Nepal
Garments being under trouble circulated in this age of rapid
communications. When orders got cancelled, Surya Nepal had no other
options but to think of something drastic.
Some four days after 40 managerial staff were held hostage by the
workers in most inhuman conditions, not allowing them either drinking
water or access to toilets, the management following due legal
procedures called for a lock-out. It was back in June. Some of the
middle-level staff recall how horrendous was the behavior of the
workers that even pregnant managerial staff were not given humane
treatment during that time.
During much of these two months, the top level management of Surya
Nepal Garments made all attempts to present the reality of the
problems to top-level politicians of all political parties in
Kathmandu. But, who would hear? Procrastination has been the feature
of political leaders in this country. Important issues are best
postponed, but trivial issues, such as, distributing cash dole-outs in
the name of financial assistance remains top priority in the agenda of
any prime minster. Nepal is perhaps a rare country in the world where
Prime Ministers pull out chits from their pockets in the Cabinet
meeting with the names of individuals to be given financial assistance
and get them approved as though the government treasury is his
fiefdom. But very few prime ministers pay attention to what is
happening to companies giving employment to hundreds of people and
contributing to foreign exchange earnings. It was natural that a prime
minister, struggling to have his tenure in office free from all
political problems, not to pay attention to economic woes of a company
and that too of an Indian heritage, as Surya Nepal is apparently a
subsidiary of ITC India Ltd. Politics in our country is not about
economics. It is just traditional feudal politics no matter what the
progressive elements claim in theory. The behavior is totally feudal,
contrary to what they claim in speeches and brainwash the rural youths.
When there was no one to help them except the Chief District Officer
of Morang, who happened to be a rare government official acting as a
professional, the management of Surya Nepal decided to permanently
shut down the factory. The loss of orders and business was
irrecoverable. The fixed investments made in the factory became
irrelevant or “sunk cost” in the current context as there was no other
When the company declared its intention to close the factory, it
received panic calls from so-called top-level leaders from major
parties and almost all trade unions. But there was not a single call
from either the prime minister or from his office. It was only then
the private secretary of Industry Minister thought appropriate to call
the factory asking if they can do anything. Nothing, when there was
hardly anything to do in the context of investors putting in so much
in spite of annual losses in anticipation of profits in the future.
The future for the investors did not come. And with the closure, it
would never come.
Hours after the announcement of the closure, the company outlined
payment schedule of retrenchment benefits to workers. In less than 24
hours, 677 of the 700 workers took their payments. All of those were
women. The company management says that there was no problem at all,
although there are media reports that Trade Union leaders want the
company to continue doing business. Yes, political party leaders have
also been asking for the continuation of the factory. Fantastic! Which
of the political party leader risks his or her personal asset for the
employment and the happiness of others? Nobody, for sure! Asking
others to give employment even when there is a loss is very easy, but
practicing oneself is possibly not so easy. You got to be doing
Throughout the process, the company management noticed a strange
point, however. This is important. This is even more important for the
workers who lost their jobs and who will realize the loss in the near
future as Dashain festival is coming so close. Most of the trade union
leaders who came to negotiate with management came in either very
expensive motorbikes or cars and almost all of them were sporting
iPhones. Every now and then during the negotiations, they would
produce very expensive hi-tech mobile handsets, while poor management
officials would attend calls in cheap Nokia handsets. Where does the
money for iPhones to so called proletariat trade unionists come from?
Clearly, this is not what we are led to believe. This is something
Surya Nepal decided to close. It is sad. But it seems they did it for
a reason. It does not really send good signals. But you can send good
signals only when there is something good about it. It was a bold
decision. I admire the decision. I still remember that decades ago
just after my SLC examination, I read a novel titled “A stone for
Danny Fisher” by not-so-mentionable writer Harold Robbins and I had
cried for Danny Fischer on his death while he too was non-mentionable,
my tears on the closure of Surya Nepal Garments .

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Love SMS collection

-Darling, the more I think of you, the more I miss you. The more I miss you, the more I think of you. I love you.
-I make this promise to you my darling, to love you the way that you love me.
-Lakhs Time Hate Me Thousands Time Avoid Me Hundreds Time Criticize Me N Tens Time Fun Of Me But Once Time LOVE Me
-Love Is Being Honest Wid Urselt and All Times Being Honest Wid Other Person and All Times Telling, Respecting and Listening
-In order to fall in love with some one you must first be their friend!
-FAMILY is a strong word due to the huge meaning of it:
F = Father
A = And
M = Mother
I = I
L = Love
Y = You
Father And Mother I Love You
-the days will pass,the time will run by but always remember my love 4 u will never run out.
-We picture love as heart-shaped because we do not know the shape of the soul.
-The fragrance of love never fades,
The older it is, the stronger it goes..

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Kaagaz ke phool
A tribute to the great Guru Dutt
Guru Dutt is reborn and makes a film, called  'Software ke phool'.
Sahir Ludhianvi Sahab revises his old song for the new venture.

It goes like this (*Poet unknown*):
yeh document, yeh meetings, yeh features ki duniya,
yeh insaan ke dushman, cursors ki duniya,
yeh deadlines ke bhooke, management ki duniya;
yeh Product agar ban bhi jaaye to kya hai?

yahaan ek khilona hai programmer ki hasti,
yeh basti hai murda bug-fixers ki basti,
yahaan par to raises hai, inflation se sasti,
yeh Review agar ho bhi jaaye to kya hai?

har ek keyboard ghayal, har ek log-in pyaasi
excel mein uljhan, winword mein udaasi,
yeh office hai ya aalame microsoft ki,
yeh Release agar ho bhi jaaye to kya hai?
jalaa do ise, phoonk daalo yeh monitor,
mere saamne se hataa daalo yeh modem,
tumhaara hai tumhi sambhaalo yeh computer,
yeh Product agar chal bhi jaaye to kya hai?

Try singing these lyrics to the original tune sung by Mohd.Rafi
by Dilip Somaiya

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Jay Shree Krishna

Healthy diet for Diabetes

f you have diabetes, a healthy diet does more than keep your blood sugar under better control. A good diabetes diet can also help prevent or delay the onset of complications such as nerve pain or heart disease.
Although some people talk about a "diabetes diet," there's really no such thing, experts say. The same healthy diet recommended for those without diabetes will help you if you have diabetes, too. You may need to then tailor the meal plan to your specific needs, such as lowering your cholesterol. But the general concepts of healthy eating are the same for you as for someone without diabetes.
Here, what you need to know about eating to feel better now -- and for years to come.
The Diabetes Diet Myth

"The diet that used to be termed a diabetes diet is now considered just a healthy diet for all Americans based on the healthy guidelines from the Department of Agriculture," says Ruth S. Pupo, RD, a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator at the East Los Angeles Center for Diabetes at White Memorial Medical Center.
One slight difference when she counsels those with diabetes: "We might encourage them to be more cautious with concentrated sugars like juices, candy, cake," she says.
Diet plans for people with type 2 diabetes are also more individualized than in the past. Such diet plans follow good nutrition, but also take into account the individual's specific dietary needs, says Angela Ginn-Meadow, RD, a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator at the Joslin Diabetes Center, in Baltimore.
One person with diabetes may need to lower cholesterol. Another may need to lower high blood pressure.
"One diet [plan] is not going to work for everyone," she says.
Yet, all are based on the same general concepts proven effective for improving blood sugars and controlling diabetes. Eat a diet that is:

* Lower in calories
* Higher in complex carbohydrates found in vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grain cereals
* Lower in saturated fats like butter, cheese, and fatty meat
* Higher in mono and polyunsaturated fat like olive oil or canola oil

Although experts disagree somewhat on the "ideal" meal plan details, they agree that spreading your carbohydrates over the day, or counting them carefully, are good ways to maintain blood glucose control.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

flim fun

Name of hindi flim if they are made by software engineering
1. Hang To Hona Hi Tha !!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Meri Disc Tumhare Paas Hai

3. Aao Chat Kare

4. Programmer No.1

5. Mera Naam Developer

6. Java Wale Job Le Jayenge

7. Hum Apke Memory Mein Rehte Hein

8. Do Processor Baarah Terminal

9. Tera Code Chal Gaya

10. Har Din Jo Mail Karega

11. Network Ke Us Paar

12. Debugging Koi Khel Nahi

13. Jish Desh Mein Bill Gates Rehta Hai

14. Raju Ban Gaya Administrator .!

15. Client Ek Numbari Programmer Dus Numbari

17. Naukar PC Ka

18. 1942 -- A Bug Story

19. Kaho Na Virus Hai

20. Crash Se Crash Tak

21. Haan Maine Bhi Debug Kiya Hai

22. Terminal Apna Login Parayi

23. Mr. Network Lal

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Microsoft Word 2011 Tips & Tricks

Microsoft Office 2011 is vast and powerful, but there are secret techniques you’ve got to know to get the most out of it. Our latest collection of tips features power-user tricks for Microsoft Word 2010.

Microsoft 2010 is such a feature-rich package that we presented an initial set of 10 Office tips and tricks and then followed it up with another set of Office tips and tricks a few weeks later. We’re back for a third run. The latest tip collection focuses on Microsoft Word, and it covers advanced customization options. Unless the tip specifically refers to Word 2010 only, it will work in Word 2007 as well. You can follow these tips as they’re presented, or adapt them to make Word work the way you want it to operate. Here are 10 tips to expand Word’s functionality.

1. Create and Use Building Blocks As Reusable Document Parts

Microsoft Word 2007 introduced a Building Blocks feature that lets you create standardized cover pages, headers, footers, and tables—a feature still available in Word 2010. A Building Block is a powerful, reusable tool. Once you create a Building Block, you can insert it into any new document. For example, to create a header for confidential documents, go to the Insert tab, click Header, and choose Blank from the gallery. Type “Confidential” into the header and format it any way you like (for example, press Ctrl-E to center it). With the text cursor in the header, press Ctrl-A to select the entire header. Return to the Insert tab, click Header, and then, from the foot of the gallery, click Save Selection to Header Gallery. In the Create New Building Block dialog, give your header a name (for example, “Confidential”), and click OK to save it as a Building Block. To insert this header in a new document, go to the Insert tab, click Header, scroll down through the gallery to the list of General items, and click on the name you gave to your header—”Confidential,” in our example. When you exit Word, you’ll be prompted to save your changes to the special-purpose Word file that contains your building blocks, BuildingBlocks.dotx, so you can reuse your new Building Block in future Word sessions.

2. Back up and Edit Word’s Default Document Template

Many of the tips in this selection tell you to edit the “default template” (Normal.dotm) that Word uses to specify the formatting of new documents. Before you proceed, turn off the Windows option that hides most filename extensions like .dotm. To do this in Vista or Windows 7, enter Folder Options in the Start Menu’s search box, open the Folder Options applet, and in the View tab, remove the checkbox next to “Hide extensions for known file types”, and click OK. Then, from Word’s File menu, choose Open. Next, in the sidebar, depending on your Windows versions, either click on Microsoft Word, then Templates, or click on Trusted Templates. This will open a list of files that includes Normal.dotm. Before doing anything else, make a backup copy of Normal.dotm. First highlighting the file, press Ctrl-C to copy it, then Ctrl-V to paste a copy into the same folder. The newly-created copy will be named “Copy of Normal.dotm,” but you can rename the backup copy anything you like, as long as you keep the .dotm file extension—for example, “My customized Normal.dotm.” When, when you’ve made a backup copy, double-click Normal.dotm to open it for editing

3. Create a default header or default page numbering

If you want all your documents to include page numbering by default, Word doesn’t make it obvious how to do so. But, if you’ve read Tip number 2, above, it’s not all that hard, either. Open your default template, Normal.dotm, as described in the previous tip, go to the Insert tab, choose Page Number, and choose a location and format for the page numbering. Close and save Normal.dotm, and all your new documents will use the page numbering you specified. But what if you want no page number on the first page of your document, or a number in a different location? Read on to the next tip.

4. Create default page numbering that starts on the second page

Use this trick after setting up default page numbering in Word using the previous tip, you decide that you do not want a page number to appear on the first page of your documents, but you do want it to appear on all other pages. Open Normal.dotm, go to the Page Layout tab. In the Page Setup group, click on More Arrow (the diagonal arrow at the lower right of the group) to open the Page Setup dialog. Once that’s opened, go to the Layout tab, and, under Headers and Footers, add a check box next to Different First Page, and click OK. Finally, close Normal.dotm. Any new document you create will have no page numbering on the first page, but will start page numbering on the second page.

5. Delete Normal.dotm and Restore the Default Version or a Backed-up Copy

If you ever need to delete or rename Normal.dotm, you’ll need to close Word and navigate to the folder that contains the template, because you can’t modify Normal.dotm while Word is running. The location of that folder varies in different Windows version, so the quickest way to find it is to enter this string in the search or run box in the Start Menu:

Your Templates folder will open in Windows Explorer. If you simply delete Normal.dotm, Microsoft’s original version of the file will be recreated the next time you launch Word. Alternately, you can take a backed-up copy of Normal.dotm that you customized earlier and rename this backed-up copy as Normal.dotm, and then Word will use it as your default template.

6. Give Word a more readable default font

The default font in Word 2010 is Calibri, which looks elegant on screen but isn’t very readable because it’s a “sans-serif” type—in other words, it doesn’t have the small horizontal strokes at the top and bottom of the letters that help guide the eye across the page. To change Word’s default font to something more readable and appealing, press Ctrl-Shift-F to open the Font dialog. I recommend that you change the font to Palatino Linotype, 12 point. Click Save as Default, choose “All documents based on the Normal.dotm template,” and click OK

7. Change other layout defaults in Word

You can change other default settings the same way you changed the default font. Press Alt-O, then P to open the Paragraph dialog (or click the More Arrow in the Paragraph group on the Home tab). Set spacing and other options, and click Save as Default. Go to the Page Layout tab, click the More Arrow in the Page Setup group to open the Page Setup dialog. Set margins and other page-layout settings, and click Save as Default

8. Put the Autoformat command on the Quick Access Toolbar

If you’re a longtime Word user, you may remember the AutoFormat command, which was a great timesaver when someone sent you a badly-formatted document, such as an e-mail message with paragraph break) at the end of every line that you needed to turn into an easily-editable Word document. When Microsoft introduced the Ribbon interface with Office 2007, the AutoFormat command wasn’t on it, but you can make it return. You can add it to the Quick Access Toolbar that appears above the Ribbon’s tabs by clicking on the down arrow at the right-hand end of the Quick Access Toolbar, and then clicking on More Commands. In the dropdown menu under “Choose commands from,” select Commands Not In the Ribbon. From the list that appears, click on Autoformat, the Add button, and then OK. Follow a similar procedure to put any other command on the Quick Access Toolbar that you want to access quickly.

9. Make Word warn you when you save or print a file with tracked revisions

If you ever use revision tracking in your Word documents, you’ve probably made the mistake of sending out a document with your revisions still present in your file, and easily visible to anyone who turns on the option to display revisions and changes. Word 2010 finally adds a dignity-saving security option that warns you whenever you try to save or print a document that contains revision information, or when you try to e-mail it from Word’s menus. To turn on this warning, go to the File menu, then Options, then Trust Center. Click on Trust Center Settings…, then Privacy Settings, and add a checkmark next to “Warn before printing, saving or sending a file that contains tracked changes or comments.

10. Save and Restore Your Macros

If you want to share your Word macros with other users, or import them into other systems, but you don’t want to share all the other customizations stored in Normal.dotm, save your macros to a file that contains just your macros and nothing else. Start by pressing Alt-F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor in the Project pane at the upper left, then click on the plus sign, Modules, and select “NewMacros.” From the File menu, choose Export File to export your macros to a file.

The file will have a .BAS extension, and, if you want to remove some macros or add explanatory comments, you can edit the file in Notepad or any other text editor. To import your macros into another copy of Word, press Alt-F11, select Normal in the Project pane, and choose Import File from the File menu

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Kick Depression

First trick:

Get out of your head and into your feet

The body craves movement. Exercise really works. Let's not think of it as exercise though. Nothing is gnarlier to the depressed person than imagining him/herself at the gym in ill fitting sweats, panting on the stair master while svelte athletes are bopping around in all directions.

As Woody Allen says, 90% of success is showing up. Once we've got our walking shoes on, once we get endorphins cooking, the doldrums have less power to penetrate .

Second trick:

Turn on music! Now!

I recommend that my clients have an arsenal of inspiring and fun music at their fingertips.

I have even been known to make CD's for my clients. When we're depressed, the smallest task feels overwhelming. . If I can kick-start someone's joy, then I am thrilled.

Third trick:

Turn on the light and sit in the sun.

Many of us work in windowless cubicles or offices, and wonder why we feel blue.

This time of year, when the sun sets earlier, we must 's dark out in autumn and winter, get a light, get some sun, get some more sun. And if there is no sun in your world, then buy a full-spectrum light. Get one cheap on E-bay.

Fourth trick:

Hang out with 4-leggeds. (Unless of course, you're allergic)

Having an animal companion near can instantly relaease oxytocin, that magical hormone that we secrete when we fall in love, give birth, or are nursing. It releases a feeling of goodwill, or trust in the world.

OK, so not all of all are blessed to be in love all the time, or be breast feeding, so I recommend my clients find other ways to bring on the joy chemical. Read on.

Fifth trick:

Change your thoughts. Right now.

We have around 60,000.00 thoughts per day. 87% of them are negative and are the same thoughts we had yesterday.

Experiencing joy is a deliberate choice. Joy takes practice. Joy is hardcore.

I use realistic affirmations, which, at times are posted all over my room. Notice I said realistic.

We must remember that affirmations don't make something happen, they make something welcome.

People tell me, "I put an affirmation up on my bedroom wall, saying:"I am ready to meet a gorgeous, successful, charming man who will adore and worship me." It's been 3 months. Where is he?" I tell them; "You have made yourself more open to meeting this human. Finding him is another story. Sorry."

Sixth Trick:

Follow a joyous lifestyle. Choose joyous entertainment.

find a class, a workout, anything that gets you in your body, preferably sweating a bit.

Seventh Trick:

Affirm joy with words.

Rudyard Kipling said "I am by calling a dealer in words. And words are by far the most powerful drug in the world". It may seem trite, but changing the way we speak can be extremely influential in changing our moods.

Eighth Trick:

Grab hold of a goal.

Make it a do-able one. Happiness and joy come from goals. We mustn't put off our lives.

Ninth Trick:

Cultivate a relationship with the divine.

We are whom our higher self wanted to experience.

There is some truth to the pithy phrase: There's no aetheists in foxholes.

Have a smidgens of faith and the world can be a gentler space.

Tenth Trick:

Choose joyous companions.

When we are depressed, we take our bored, sluggish selves wherever we go. We need distractions. We need company. We need intimacy. It is very important to be around authentic people. We need someone who believes in us. No nay-sayers!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Improve Your Pc By Special Methods

There are many tips for those pc users whose are care thier pc and want to update pc without any expense. PC friend user can take help from these tips and can to do better pc speed and interface.
Free your ram and improve system performance
1) Start any application, say Excel. Open some large documents.
2) Now go to Windows Task Manager and click Processes tab and sort the list in descending order on Mem Usage. You will notice that excel will be somewhere at the top, using multiple MBs of memory.
3) Now switch to excel and simply minimize it. (Don’t use the Minimize All Windows option of the task bar).
4) Now go back to the Windows Task Manager and see where xcel is listed. Most probably you will not find it at the top. You will typically have to scroll to the bottom of the list to find excel. Now check out the amount of RAM it is using. Surprised? The memory utilization has reduced by a huge amount.
5) Minimize each application that you are currently not working on by clicking on the Minimize button & you can increase the amount of available RAM by a substantial margin. Depending upon the number and type of applications you use together, the difference can be as much as 50 percent of extra RAM.
In any multitasking system, minimizing an application means that it won’t be utilized by the user right now. Therefore, the OS automatically makes the application use virtual memory & keeps bare minimum amounts of the code in physical RAM.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tips for Reducing Stress

1. Laugh. When you laugh, you actually cause a pleasurable change in your body’s chemistry that lasts as long as 45 minutes. So take in a comedy at the movies, watch a funny television show, or invite friends over for a game of charades.

2. Pets. Physical contact with pets or even just their presence has been proved to be therapeutic for hospital patients. Play with your dog, hold your cat, or sing to your bird: all of these activities can help reduce blood pressure and bring a feeling of calm.

3. Nature. The soothing, stress-relieving power of nature has been recognized for centuries. Many hospitals and health centers now make “nature areas” a part of their therapeutic environment. And when properly tailored to the individual’s conditioning and enjoyment, physical exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety. Take a walk outside!

4. Music. Music’s calming effect has been proved during dental procedures, during labor, before and after surgery, and in emergency rooms. This effect is probably due to music’s ability to distract and soothe.

Stress Relief Bath

Add the following to a warm bath and soak your cares away.


3 drops bergamot essential oil
2 drops clary sage essential oil
2 drops lavender essential oil
2 drops neroli essential oil
2 drops sandalwood essential oil

Stress-Reducing Visualization

This may be performed in the tub along with your stress relief bath formula, or sitting in a chair.

1. Close your eyes and simply take a deep breath. Breathe in calmness and exhale tension, breathe with your belly, imagining that your lungs are sitting right behind your belly button. To fill them with air, relax your abdomen, and let it expand with each breath. Slowly inhale for a count of 8, filling your belly, and slowly exhale to the count of 8.

2. Do a few repetitions of this and then, starting with the top of the head, release the tension from tour muscles one by one, all the way to your toes and back up again. Continue to breathe in relaxation and exhale tension.

3. Now that your body feels soft and relaxed, allow your awareness to come inside yourself. Visualize yourself walking on a path among trees. In front of you is a gate. Open the gate and step in to a beautiful garden.

4. You see and smell beautiful flowers. You see lush palm trees, fruit trees, and tropical blossoms with sweet fragrances. Touch them. . . inhale the aromas. Each time you inhale, you feel more calm and relaxed. Listen to the singing birds, Feel the calm, gentle breeze.

5. A wonderful feeling of peace and joy drifts through your mind and flows through your body. Visualize a magnificent cool waterfall. As you step into it, feel the clean, refreshing water cleansing you from the top of your head down to your toes, washing away every bit of stress and anxiety. Allow your being to be restored on all levels.

6. Now project your thoughts forward. In a vision, see yourself in what might be a stressful situation, but allow the exquisite feeling of relaxation to continue to soothe your thoughts. Allow the relaxed state you are feeling now to weave a tapestry of a totally stress-free consciousness into your vision. Your mind and body are being conditioned to respond calmly to stress.

7. Open your eyes slowly and take with you this calm and relaxing feeling, remembering you can always return to this peaceful garden of serenity that is your own private sanctuary

If stress is aproblem.. then use the old aged free remedy - HAVE A WANK!

Vegetable Tips

When boiling vegetables, add a little milk to the water to help keep their colors bright.

Before boiling corn on the cob, add a pinch of sugar to bring out the corn's natural sweetness.

Boiling cabbage can make the whole house stink. Cut down on the odor by adding 1/8 teaspoon of vinegar to the water.

Diabetes Treatment tips

To avoid long-term complications of diabetes, it is essential to remain healthy by controlling blood sugar. Some people can successfully sustain their blood sugar level at desired levels with diet and exercise. Others may need insulin and some medications.

For type 2 diabetes, blood sugar can be controlled with a single medication that proves effective and sometimes combination of few medicines is necessary.

There are four ways to treat diabetes. The first priority treatment for diabetes patients is undoubtedly exercise and healthy diet. Secondly, alternative medications also aid in the treatment for diabetes, and third, please do follow the doctor’s treatment and prescription religiously, and last, people whose kidneys are failing or who aren’t responding to other treatments, pancreas or islet cell transplantation may be an option.

Goals for diabetes treatment:

A typical target for younger adults range might be 80 to 120mg/dl before meals, and below 180mg/dl. They will not suffer from any complications of diabetes then. For older adults, it can be more dangerous than in younger people because blood sugar levels fall too low. Their fasting target goal should be 100 to 140 mg/dL and below 200 mg/dL after meals. The type of sugar you have depends on how often you test your blood sugar. Test your blood sugar at least thrice a day. If you have type 2 diabetes don’t use insulin. You may need to test your blood sugar level only once a day or as little as twice a week.

Factors that affect your blood sugar include:

Food habits can raise your blood sugar level. What and how much you eat, and the time of the day, also affect your blood sugar level immensely. Physical activity is important to lower your blood sugar level. Physical activity causes sugar to be transported to your cells, where it is used for energy. By doing small works like gardening, house work and even taking a small walk can lower your blood sugar level by quite a margin. Medications like insulin and oral diabetes medications help to lower your blood sugar. Illness due to physical stress of cold or others may also secrete hormones that raise your blood sugar level. When you’re sick check your glucose level frequently. Alcohol happens to raise your blood sugar level at times as they count as calories in your diet.

Food choices: Foodstuffs containing low glycemic carbohydrates, proteins or fats can initially help to lose body weight and maintain dancing blood sugar level. Prefer healthy foods which are low in fats and calories such as lean fish, lean chicken, turkey and fruits and vegetables. Go slow on fast and fried foodstuffs for prevention of diabetes. Avoid processed carbohydrates as much as possible. Try to increase high-protein food in your diet. And reduce eating refined flour i.e. white flour, bleached flour, treated flour and other kind of white flour.

There is no cure for Juvenile diabetes. The only treatment for juvenile diabetes is insulin injections or an insulin pump. The drawback of insulin is that it cannot be taken as a pill. It is compulsory for Juvenile diabetics to check their daily blood sugar levels with the help of glucometer (often 3 times / day). Diet and exercise holds a very significant role in the treatment of diabetes.

Treatment of Type 1 diabetes involves:

* Insulin
* Self-monitoring of blood glucose
* Exercise

Monday, February 28, 2011

Remittance to nepal option and modality

In the context of global labor market several millions people are now living and working in another countries, far away from their countries of birth. These people regularly remit a substantial portion of their earnings to their home countries. The financial flows generated by these migrants by way of remittances are very substantial. Although accurate figures are extremely hard to get, it was estimated that in 2004, remittances to developing countries from developed countries exceeded US$126 billion, which was up by nearly 48.7 percent as compared to 2001. Actual amounts were probably much larger because flows through informal channels such as hawala were not included in official data collection.

Nepal has become one of the major labors exporting country in recent years. The history of foreign employment in Nepal dates back to the early nineteenth century when Nepalese soldiers began to work for the British army. In the ensuing decades, hundreds of thousands of Nepalese have worked in British and Indian army. Currently, over 60 thousand Nepalese are working in the Indian Army and other government institutions in India. As the border between India and Nepal is open, hundreds of thousands of Nepali goes to India for labor works. The pace of the foreign employment increased dramatically after 1996 and the consequent of shrinking economic opportunities back home compelled Nepalese youths to look for alternatives elsewhere. The massive unemployment inside the country is the main reason behind this upsurge in venturing out to distant lands. As per the government data among the total population of 23.2 million, 47 percent are underemployed. According to one estimate, every year 300,000 to 350,000 new Nepalese enter the labor market. Out of these new entrants, 30 to 40 thousand find jobs within the country; 100,000 to 150,000 go abroad and the rest remain in the country with no job. According to the National Planning Commission (NPC), the number of overseas workers has grown, on average, by 30 percent in the last couple of years. There are now an estimated 1.2 million Nepalese working in 40 countries, excluding India. In the Gulf region alone, about 700,000 Nepalese are working in Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The demand was so high that Nepal had to open a consulate in Qatar to supplement the efforts of the embassy in Saudi Arabia, where there are over 200,000 Nepalese. Malaysia first opened its domestic job market to Nepalese in 2001, and it is estimated that about 150,000 workers have legally entered the country since then. Around 70,000 more are estimated to work in Hong Kong. Large numbers are also illegally employed in the rest of Southeast Asia.

There are huge number of Nepalese in UK and USA. They went to those countries as a student but their returning to Nepal is rare. They are remitting their earnings through unofficial channels since the commission charge in official channels is very high.

Today, the process of money transfer to Nepal from abroad through banking channel has become efficient and easy. It is now possible to measure the amount repatriated by the Nepalese migrant from abroad to Nepal every year through formal channel. However, it is estimated that only around 40 percent of Nepalese migrant workers use formal channel to send their earning back home. The rest still rely on the informal channel like hundi that is believed to be fast and economic. Now, there are 26 recognized remittance companies including Western Union, operating to transfers money from all over the world to all the part of Nepal. Since 2001, the flow of remittance to the country has grown at an annual pace of 15-20 percent. It is expected to grow more as number of people going abroad is increasing day by day. Remittance market study shows that around 40 percent of the total inward remittance volume to Nepal is paid within Kathmandu valley.

Migrant workers’ remittance is a strong source of foreign exchange earnings for Nepal. It is estimated that in 2004 money transferred from migrant Nepalese have crossed Rs 100 billion—making it a bigger source of foreign exchange than tourism and all exports combined. Workers remittance is now consider as a backbone of our economy. According to a study by David Seddon for the DFID, the value of foreign remittance from migrant laborers could be equivalent to 25 percent of official gross domestic product (GDP).

Since last few years remittance income is playing a vital role for the foreign currency earnings and favorable impact on balance of payment situation, to reduce the number of people in the country below poverty line and ultimately to the economic growth of the nation.

Mainly the remittance in Nepal from Gulf countries comes through Exchange Houses, Western Union Money Transfer, Money Gram, Himal Remit, and Nabil Speed Remit of which, Western Union Money Transfer and Money Gram are the international brand whereas Himal Remit and Nabil Speed Remit are the local brand. Himalayan Bank Ltd. is the sole agent of Money Gram. Himal Remit was mainly confined to the Gulf countries but now it has extended its service to Europe also. Similarly, Nabil Speed Remit is focusing its business in Doha, Qatar. The remittance from Gulf countries mainly comes through Exchange Houses. For this, Exchange Houses form Gulf countries maintain their accounts in Nepalese banks and issue either drafts or send the payment instructions through telex/e-mail/fax messages to remit the fund to the concerned beneficiary. The exchange houses in the Gulf are depending on these channels since they are not authorized to use SWIFT yet. Recently they have started using web based programme to transfer funds to Nepal, which has became easy and fast.

Major Players in the Market:

Major players of remittance business in Nepalese market are Himalayan Bank, International Money Express, NABIL Bank and Bank of Kathmandu. Himalayan Bank brings almost USD 20 million per month. It has deputed its staff in Gulf countries and in Malaysia and provided excellent delivery system to capture the major share. International Money Express (IME) is in second position in the market and brings almost USD 12 million per month mostly from Malaysia that comes to USD 10 million per month. It transfers money through remittance system and has branches in UK and Malaysia. Similarly, Nabil Bank is also entering the remittance in Nepal through Nabil Speed Remit.

Another company, which is global and major player in the market, is Western Union. Currently Western Union is doing 18,000 remittance transactions per month with the record of 30% increment p.a. and an average amount of USD 700 per transaction. The four existing agents of Western Unions are Annapurna Travel, CG FINCO, SITA Travel & NABIL and they hold 40%, 30%, 20% & 10% business share respectively. Recently Hulas Remittance, a remittance company promoted by Golcha group has received the 5th principal membership of Western Union in Nepal. Hulas Remittance is expecting to capture 15% of the Western Union's remittance volume in the first year of its operation. It is expected that their market share will further increase since they are pioneer in consumer product and have good market reputation.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Oscar Winners

LOS ANGELES, Feb 28, 2011: "The King´s Speech" was crowned best picture Sunday at an Academy Awards ceremony as precise as a state coronation, the monarchy drama leading as expected with four Oscars and predictable favorites claiming acting honors.
The winners are:

BEST PICTURE: The King´s Speech

BEST DIRECTOR: Tom Hooper, The King´s Speech

BEST ACTOR: Colin Firth, The King´s Speech

BEST ACTRESS: Natalie Portman, Black Swan

BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Christian Bale, The Fighter


BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY: David Seidler, The King´s Speech

BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY: Aaron Sorkin, The Social Network

BEST FOREIGN FILM: In a Better World







BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN FILM EDITING: Angus Wall and Kirk Baxter, The Social Network

ACHIEVEMENT IN MAKEUP: Rick Baker and Dave Elsey, The Wolfman

BEST ORIGINAL SCORE: Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, The Social Network







Friday, February 25, 2011

The Best Heart Touching Sms Collection

Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all angels in
heaven know I need u. years may fly, tears may dry,
but my friendship with u will never die.

One day u will ask me: What is more important to you,
me or your life? I will say: my life… You will walk
away from me without knowing that U R MY LIFE!!!

Feel good when somebody Miss u. Feel better when
somebody Loves u. But feel best when somebody never
forgets u.

A friend is sweet when its new….but it is sweeter
when its TRUE! But u know what? Its sweetest when its

A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a
place when you have nowhere to go, a friend is honest,
a friend is true. A friend is precious a friend is u.

If kisses were water, I will give u sea. If hugs were
leaves, I will give u a tree.If u luv a planet, I will
give u a galaxy, if friendship is life I will give u

People live People die People Laugh People Cry Some
give up Some will try Some say hi Some say bye Others
may forget YOU but never will I.

If I were to be anything in this world…. I'd be ur
tears!!!… So, I can be conceived in ur heart, born in
ur eyes, live on ur cheeks & die on ur lips!!!!!

If u r a chocolate ur the sweetest, if u r a Teddy
Bear u r the most huggable, If u are a Star u r the
Brightest, and since u r my "FRIEND" u r the

A special friend is rare indeed, it beems to be
special breed, yes, perfect friends r very few, so
lucky I m for having you.

They say it takes a minute 2 fine a special person,
an hour 2 appreciate them, a day 2 love them, but then
an entire life 2 forget them.

When God opened the window of the Heaven He asked me:
What is your wish for today? "I said : please take
special care of the person reading this!!!!!!!"

Time might lead me to nowhere and faith might break
into pieces but I will always be THANKFUL that once in
my life's journey we became FRIENDS!

It takes half our life to find true friends & half
of it keeping them.I am lucky to have spent less than
half my life finding you & wish to spend the rest
keeping you.

In my life I learned how… 2 love 2 smile 2 be happy 2
be strong 2 work hard 2 be honest 2 be faithful 2
forgive but I couldn't learn how.. 2 stop rembering

A memory lasts forever, and never does it die. True
friends stay together and never say good bye.

Always draw a circle around the ones you love, never
draw a heart because hearts can be broken, but
circles are never ending

U got style, u got sex-appeal, u got the intelligence
and u sure got the body. Wait. Sorry, wrong number!

Of all the gifts, big and small, your friendship
is the greatest of them all.

A ring is round and has no end, that's how long I'll
be your friend!!!

The morning is just a few moments away. Go to sleep
and when you wake up, remember me as a friend who is
always there for you and never let you down

Yes, God made you first, but there is always a rough
draft before the final copy.

If you are in trouble, If you need a hand, Just call
my number, because I'm your friend!

The NHS regrets to inform you that your birth was an
accident. Please report to your nearest hospital to
be put down. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Whenever I see your smiling face, I have to smile
myself, because I like you, you're my friend!!!

Those who think that things happen too fast are
expected in a bank or a post office!

Make your life a house your heart can live in. With a
door that is open to receive friends. And a garden
full of memories.... of many good things.

You cannot buy friendship, you can earn it. If someone
comes for help, be a true friend !

A friend is always welcome ... Early in the morning or
late at night. Time is of no importance ... When it
concerns real friendship!!

Friendship is a wonderful word, it might be the most
beautiful one on earth. Friendship is something
powerful, a gift of great value!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Who is likely to get stones in kidney?

Both men and women, though kidney stones are more common in men. People with a family history are two and a half times more likely to form stones than those without family history. The highest risk occurs between the ages of 20 and 50.
Stone formation occurs when either excessive amounts of a mineral are excreted into the urine or when the volume of fluid in your body is decreased because of dehydration.


It's called renal colic - one of the most intense of all pains - and it's caused by pressure on the kidney due to blocked urine flow. The pain often radiates along the path of the urinary tract, beginning high in the back over the kidney and travelling to the lower abdomen, groin and even into the genitals. The pain begins suddenly and quickly becomes unbearable. Renal colic is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting not because the stomach is involved, but simply because of the severe pain.


In about 90 per cent of all cases, kidney stones cause bleeding into the urine.

About 80 per cent of the time, the principal mineral in a kidney stone is calcium, usually combined with oxalate (60 percent of all stones) but sometimes paired with phosphate (20 percent) or other substances like uric acid.


* Drink lots of water and other fluids, aiming for at least two litres a day.
* Eat moderate amounts of calcium-rich foods. Stay away from calcium supplements and vitamin D supplements, which increase the intestinal absorption of calcium.
* Avoid foods with high levels of oxalate; spinach, beets, sweet potatoes, nuts, instant coffee, tea and chocolate head this list.
* Avoid excessive amounts of protein, especially from meat and other animal sources. Reduce your consumption of salt, staying below the recommended maximum of 2,400 mg per day.
* Increase your consumption of citrus fruits and juices (except apple and grapefruit juices); in addition to potassium, they provide a second helpful nutrient, citrate.
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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Top 10 Nutrition and Fitness Tips

1. Get real and be specific. Write down three or four realistic goals that you can stick to. For example, “I will try to lose one pound of body fat every week. I will walk for 30 minutes minimum five days a week.” Avoid fantasy-land goals that will only frustrate you.
2. Get prepared. Throw away all the junk, the processed, and the “bingeable” foods now and replace them with fresh, whole foods like lots of water and veggies. Buy a new pair of walking shoes and find some clothes in your closet you feel comfortable to walk in. During a lifestyle change, if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail!
3. Get support. Whether it’s your best friend, spouse, or pet, it helps to have some nonjudgmental and nurturing support when trying to lose weight, especially during trying times.
4. Make daily notes. Research has shown that keeping track of your daily exercise and food intake in a journal or notebook will increase the likelihood of success. Keep it simple, or if you’re inspired, write a novel! The key is to hold yourself accountable.
5. Create a food-free reward system. How about a new workout outfit, pair of jeans, shoes — or what the heck, even a spa treatment, shopping spree, or weekend getaway? You deserve this kind of treatment when you reach your goals.
6. Buy a pedometer. A pedometer keeps track of how many steps you take daily. Wear it every day, around home, work, and while exercising. Your National Body Challenge goal is to increase your steps by 10,000 or more daily! Remember this: You’ll burn roughly 100 to 125 calories by taking 2,500 steps (about one mile). The goal during the challenge is to burn 300 extra calories and to eat roughly 200 calories less in a day. This 500-calorie deficit is equivalent to one pound of body fat per week and a healthy boost to your self-esteem.
7. Don’t skip breakfast. Research shows that the most successful “losers” never skip it. Try to keep it balanced with some protein, a healthy carb, and a small amount of fat. Here are some examples: an egg-white omelet with fresh berries and a piece of whole-wheat toast, or a skim milk shake with fruit and yogurt.
8. Nix the late-night eating. If you eat a lot of excess calories after 8 p.m., you wear them the next morning. Put a stop to this by making sure you have a healthy dinner consisting of lean protein, veggies, and fruit.
9. Eliminate processed sugars. Processed sugars are carbs that have been stripped of their valuable nutrients. How can you identify these sugars? They are all white: table sugar, pasta, rice, and bread, and they’re nothing but trouble, since they kick up your appetite for more of the same.
10. Have a mid-afternoon snack. This will curb your appetite and provide fuel for your after-work walk or workout at the gym. Some great snack ideas include: reduced-fat peanut butter on a multi-grain cracker, a couple of pieces of low-fat string cheese and an apple, cottage cheese with pineapple, or try a low-fat cheese microwaved in a whole-wheat pita.

Microsoft Word 2011 Tips & Tricks

Microsoft Office 2011 is vast and powerful, but there are secret techniques you’ve got to know to get the most out of it. Our latest collection of tips features power-user tricks for Microsoft Word 2010.

Microsoft 2010 is such a feature-rich package that we presented an initial set of 10 Office tips and tricks and then followed it up with another set of Office tips and tricks a few weeks later. We’re back for a third run. The latest tip collection focuses on Microsoft Word, and it covers advanced customization options. Unless the tip specifically refers to Word 2010 only, it will work in Word 2007 as well. You can follow these tips as they’re presented, or adapt them to make Word work the way you want it to operate. Here are 10 tips to expand Word’s functionality.

1. Create and Use Building Blocks As Reusable Document Parts

Microsoft Word 2007 introduced a Building Blocks feature that lets you create standardized cover pages, headers, footers, and tables—a feature still available in Word 2010. A Building Block is a powerful, reusable tool. Once you create a Building Block, you can insert it into any new document. For example, to create a header for confidential documents, go to the Insert tab, click Header, and choose Blank from the gallery. Type “Confidential” into the header and format it any way you like (for example, press Ctrl-E to center it). With the text cursor in the header, press Ctrl-A to select the entire header. Return to the Insert tab, click Header, and then, from the foot of the gallery, click Save Selection to Header Gallery. In the Create New Building Block dialog, give your header a name (for example, “Confidential”), and click OK to save it as a Building Block. To insert this header in a new document, go to the Insert tab, click Header, scroll down through the gallery to the list of General items, and click on the name you gave to your header—”Confidential,” in our example. When you exit Word, you’ll be prompted to save your changes to the special-purpose Word file that contains your building blocks, BuildingBlocks.dotx, so you can reuse your new Building Block in future Word sessions.

2. Back up and Edit Word’s Default Document Template

Many of the tips in this selection tell you to edit the “default template” (Normal.dotm) that Word uses to specify the formatting of new documents. Before you proceed, turn off the Windows option that hides most filename extensions like .dotm. To do this in Vista or Windows 7, enter Folder Options in the Start Menu’s search box, open the Folder Options applet, and in the View tab, remove the checkbox next to “Hide extensions for known file types”, and click OK. Then, from Word’s File menu, choose Open. Next, in the sidebar, depending on your Windows versions, either click on Microsoft Word, then Templates, or click on Trusted Templates. This will open a list of files that includes Normal.dotm. Before doing anything else, make a backup copy of Normal.dotm. First highlighting the file, press Ctrl-C to copy it, then Ctrl-V to paste a copy into the same folder. The newly-created copy will be named “Copy of Normal.dotm,” but you can rename the backup copy anything you like, as long as you keep the .dotm file extension—for example, “My customized Normal.dotm.” When, when you’ve made a backup copy, double-click Normal.dotm to open it for editing

3. Create a default header or default page numbering

If you want all your documents to include page numbering by default, Word doesn’t make it obvious how to do so. But, if you’ve read Tip number 2, above, it’s not all that hard, either. Open your default template, Normal.dotm, as described in the previous tip, go to the Insert tab, choose Page Number, and choose a location and format for the page numbering. Close and save Normal.dotm, and all your new documents will use the page numbering you specified. But what if you want no page number on the first page of your document, or a number in a different location? Read on to the next tip.

4. Create default page numbering that starts on the second page

Use this trick after setting up default page numbering in Word using the previous tip, you decide that you do not want a page number to appear on the first page of your documents, but you do want it to appear on all other pages. Open Normal.dotm, go to the Page Layout tab. In the Page Setup group, click on More Arrow (the diagonal arrow at the lower right of the group) to open the Page Setup dialog. Once that’s opened, go to the Layout tab, and, under Headers and Footers, add a check box next to Different First Page, and click OK. Finally, close Normal.dotm. Any new document you create will have no page numbering on the first page, but will start page numbering on the second page.

5. Delete Normal.dotm and Restore the Default Version or a Backed-up Copy

If you ever need to delete or rename Normal.dotm, you’ll need to close Word and navigate to the folder that contains the template, because you can’t modify Normal.dotm while Word is running. The location of that folder varies in different Windows version, so the quickest way to find it is to enter this string in the search or run box in the Start Menu:
Your Templates folder will open in Windows Explorer. If you simply delete Normal.dotm, Microsoft’s original version of the file will be recreated the next time you launch Word. Alternately, you can take a backed-up copy of Normal.dotm that you customized earlier and rename this backed-up copy as Normal.dotm, and then Word will use it as your default template.

6. Give Word a more readable default font

The default font in Word 2010 is Calibri, which looks elegant on screen but isn’t very readable because it’s a “sans-serif” type—in other words, it doesn’t have the small horizontal strokes at the top and bottom of the letters that help guide the eye across the page. To change Word’s default font to something more readable and appealing, press Ctrl-Shift-F to open the Font dialog. I recommend that you change the font to Palatino Linotype, 12 point. Click Save as Default, choose “All documents based on the Normal.dotm template,” and click OK

7. Change other layout defaults in Word

You can change other default settings the same way you changed the default font. Press Alt-O, then P to open the Paragraph dialog (or click the More Arrow in the Paragraph group on the Home tab). Set spacing and other options, and click Save as Default. Go to the Page Layout tab, click the More Arrow in the Page Setup group to open the Page Setup dialog. Set margins and other page-layout settings, and click Save as Default

8. Put the Autoformat command on the Quick Access Toolbar

If you’re a longtime Word user, you may remember the AutoFormat command, which was a great timesaver when someone sent you a badly-formatted document, such as an e-mail message with paragraph break) at the end of every line that you needed to turn into an easily-editable Word document. When Microsoft introduced the Ribbon interface with Office 2007, the AutoFormat command wasn’t on it, but you can make it return. You can add it to the Quick Access Toolbar that appears above the Ribbon’s tabs by clicking on the down arrow at the right-hand end of the Quick Access Toolbar, and then clicking on More Commands. In the dropdown menu under “Choose commands from,” select Commands Not In the Ribbon. From the list that appears, click on Autoformat, the Add button, and then OK. Follow a similar procedure to put any other command on the Quick Access Toolbar that you want to access quickly.

9. Make Word warn you when you save or print a file with tracked revisions

If you ever use revision tracking in your Word documents, you’ve probably made the mistake of sending out a document with your revisions still present in your file, and easily visible to anyone who turns on the option to display revisions and changes. Word 2010 finally adds a dignity-saving security option that warns you whenever you try to save or print a document that contains revision information, or when you try to e-mail it from Word’s menus. To turn on this warning, go to the File menu, then Options, then Trust Center. Click on Trust Center Settings…, then Privacy Settings, and add a checkmark next to “Warn before printing, saving or sending a file that contains tracked changes or comments.

10. Save and Restore Your Macros

If you want to share your Word macros with other users, or import them into other systems, but you don’t want to share all the other customizations stored in Normal.dotm, save your macros to a file that contains just your macros and nothing else. Start by pressing Alt-F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor in the Project pane at the upper left, then click on the plus sign, Modules, and select “NewMacros.” From the File menu, choose Export File to export your macros to a file.

The file will have a .BAS extension, and, if you want to remove some macros or add explanatory comments, you can edit the file in Notepad or any other text editor. To import your macros into another copy of Word, press Alt-F11, select Normal in the Project pane, and choose Import File from the File menu

Letter of credit

 A letter of credit is a document that guarantees the payment from a buyer to a seller in international trade. It is issued by a bank on beh...